Everything You Need to Know About Ready Mix Concrete

To build your dream project with a concrete mix, perfection may not be as easy as snapping a finger. It is often an exhilarating feeling to have created something versatile, aesthetic, and has enduring strength.

Moreso, when you are looking to build a house, you may need a cost-effective material that is also sturdy and reliable; that is where ready-mix concrete comes in handy.

What is Ready-Mix Concrete?

Ready-Mix Concrete is construction material prepared by mixing sand, gravel, cement, and water. A manufacturer like us manufactures it according to a particular mix design then delivers the finished mixture to a construction site.

Five Factors to Consider When Ready-Mix Concrete

So you are about to make an order for ready-mix concrete, here are some of the factors to consider:

1. Class

Different projects require different concrete classes. The classes rank in ascending order of 5, beginning at 10. The classes provide the comprehensive strength for the mix following the 28 days after construction is over. Such that, C10 is interpreted to have 10 newtons strength, C15, C20, C30, have 15 newtons, 20 newtons, and 30 newtons strength, respectively.

Learn More: Concrete Classes and Their Uses

2. Purpose

What do you want to do with your ready-mix concrete? To experience a satisfactory construction, you should ensure your supplier knows what you intend to build or repair so that the right material. Getting them to see the ready-mix’s purpose will enable your supplier to manufacture the material to achieve a suitable result.

3. Budget

Of course, your budget also matters when you will be deciding which ready-mix concrete to order. Compared to other materials like brinks, ready-mix concrete saves you some bucks. However, you still need to work within your budget so that you don’t strain the project.

4. Quantity

It is your first obligation to know your project’s size before you order the concrete mixture. If you order too much, you will have to bear the cost of wastage; ordering less may also delay your project and incur more charges. Lucky for you, you can speak to our technicians and even request a site visit before you order.

5. Location

Ready-mix concretes are often ready for use within a specific period, roughly four hours. This is why Rhombus has invested in batching plants along Kiambu Road and Mombasa Road – enabling us to supply to Nairobi, Kiambu, Kajiado and other nearby counties. We also advise our clients to schedule delivery during off-peak hours so that we beat the traffic.